Monday, February 21, 2011

Home Sweet Home

For the next week, I'll be in my homeland of southwest Missouri, Springfield to be exact. After being stuck at the gate on the airplane for an hour while we were being "de-iced," we finally made it to the runway and were stuck again for another hour. I know, I know, it could've been way worse. The best part of the flight was the landing, instead of lots and lots of houses and buildings, all I saw were farms and cow pastures. Ah yes, good ol' MO. I haven't been home since Christmas, which isn't too long, but I felt like I should come home...and work out of the Springfield office for a few days. Oh and get a haircut. Haha. I also got to drive my car today, which I haven't done in two months. It'll be nice to see my friends and enjoy a break from the city. Hopefully, it'll be a little warmer down here.

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