Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm Trying Something New

My New Year's resolution for 2011 was to be more spontaneous and try new things. Well, this whole blog thing is pretty new for me. I never really understood why people wrote blogs, this was a few years ago. I realized that I have blogs bookmarked in my web browser that I check regularly. I'm wondering how my blog will turn out and if people will read about my life. I think I have a pretty interesting job/life. I've had people say that they would like to live vicariously through me. In the last year, I traveled from the west coast to the east coast and have eaten at just about every type of restaurant you could imagine. Maybe I'll write about my food experiences. I've had some good ones and continue to have even better ones. Here's just a taste: I've eaten at Maialino, a Danny Meyer establishment in NYC, I interviewed Dan Akyroyd about Crystal Head Vodka and one week in Vegas, I ate at 20 different restaurants. So, if you're interested keep up and if not, well, that's your decision.

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