Friday, February 18, 2011

The Sun

The one thing that I've learned so far from living here is that Chicagoans live and I mean LIVE for those sunny days. Like today for instance. The sun is shining, it's a warm 45 degrees and there are so many people outside, it's crazy. I've seen at least 5 people run by my window in the last hour or so. I'd like to be enjoying this sunshine. The people here are tough and I keep hearing that a summer in Chicago is worth the worst winter in Chicago. Now, I've been up here a few times over the summer and I have to agree. The beach is amazing, the music festivals and just sitting out on a patio. So when does summer time get here? I was told that it will do this weather thing where it's 30-40s and rainy through at least April. A few beautiful days here and there and then in May and June...well...I don't want to jinx it. Days like today are kind of make my coffee decision difficult. It's sunny and chilly outside, but warm and cozy inside. Do I want a hot drink or something iced? Decisions, decisions. I'll probably go for the hot drink considering I left my coat at home, on purpose. I didn't want to wear it! Hot drink it is. Happy Friday all :)

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