Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Grey Outdoors

I'm back home in the land of the wind. I ended up being home for two weeks. It was really nice. I enjoyed seeing my friends and getting a taste of spring. Yes, we had a few days where the sun was shining and it was about 65 degrees. I definitely miss getting those random warm days here and there. Today, it's grey outside and I think it's snowing. Haha. Next weekend is the St. Patrick's Day Parade and all of the festivities that go along with it. I'm pretty excited about that. I've never seen the river dyed. Should be interesting. Girl's night tonight. Looks like we are getting sushi. YES. I'm craving it. I didn't have any while I was home, which I normally get sushi at least twice. I did manage to get some other things done though which is fine. So, I'm stuck. I'm thinking about saving up for either a laptop or a camera. I kind of want to get back into photography and I'm in the perfect environment for great pics. That might be the topic of one of my up and coming blogs. We will see!

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