Monday, February 21, 2011

Home Sweet Home

For the next week, I'll be in my homeland of southwest Missouri, Springfield to be exact. After being stuck at the gate on the airplane for an hour while we were being "de-iced," we finally made it to the runway and were stuck again for another hour. I know, I know, it could've been way worse. The best part of the flight was the landing, instead of lots and lots of houses and buildings, all I saw were farms and cow pastures. Ah yes, good ol' MO. I haven't been home since Christmas, which isn't too long, but I felt like I should come home...and work out of the Springfield office for a few days. Oh and get a haircut. Haha. I also got to drive my car today, which I haven't done in two months. It'll be nice to see my friends and enjoy a break from the city. Hopefully, it'll be a little warmer down here.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Sun

The one thing that I've learned so far from living here is that Chicagoans live and I mean LIVE for those sunny days. Like today for instance. The sun is shining, it's a warm 45 degrees and there are so many people outside, it's crazy. I've seen at least 5 people run by my window in the last hour or so. I'd like to be enjoying this sunshine. The people here are tough and I keep hearing that a summer in Chicago is worth the worst winter in Chicago. Now, I've been up here a few times over the summer and I have to agree. The beach is amazing, the music festivals and just sitting out on a patio. So when does summer time get here? I was told that it will do this weather thing where it's 30-40s and rainy through at least April. A few beautiful days here and there and then in May and June...well...I don't want to jinx it. Days like today are kind of make my coffee decision difficult. It's sunny and chilly outside, but warm and cozy inside. Do I want a hot drink or something iced? Decisions, decisions. I'll probably go for the hot drink considering I left my coat at home, on purpose. I didn't want to wear it! Hot drink it is. Happy Friday all :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Working from a Starbucks

I've been working from my apartment for a while now because they are doing construction at my office downtown and let me tell you something, it's difficult to concentrate/edit when there's drilling and constant chatting going on. Today, I decided to switch it up a little bit and hit up my neighborhood Starbucks. Now, I was hoping to discover a unique coffee shop, but I have not stumbled across one just yet. I'm not a Starbucks basher, I enjoy their drinks and I dig the atmosphere, however, I like to support the locals. There's quite the mix of people in here right now and it seems that majority of the folks in here are on their laptops or reading a newspaper. Wait, hold the phone, they're still printing newspapers? Hmmm. I'm joking. I knew they still were. I forget you don't know me yet, I'm sarcastic at times, but it's all in good fun. One of my friends thinks it's weird how people will set up their make-shift office in a 'Bucks and I think Dane Cook made fun of it or something. How people want to be noticed when they are drinking their double espresso and writing a screenplay on their Mac. Well, I'll tell you what. I'm drinking an iced mocha and editing on my Mac and I might have some ideas for some screenplays...too similar? Haha. I'm fine with it, I'm not a hater. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm Trying Something New

My New Year's resolution for 2011 was to be more spontaneous and try new things. Well, this whole blog thing is pretty new for me. I never really understood why people wrote blogs, this was a few years ago. I realized that I have blogs bookmarked in my web browser that I check regularly. I'm wondering how my blog will turn out and if people will read about my life. I think I have a pretty interesting job/life. I've had people say that they would like to live vicariously through me. In the last year, I traveled from the west coast to the east coast and have eaten at just about every type of restaurant you could imagine. Maybe I'll write about my food experiences. I've had some good ones and continue to have even better ones. Here's just a taste: I've eaten at Maialino, a Danny Meyer establishment in NYC, I interviewed Dan Akyroyd about Crystal Head Vodka and one week in Vegas, I ate at 20 different restaurants. So, if you're interested keep up and if not, well, that's your decision.