Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My New Nickname

I've been working out of our Springfield office for the last week cranking out some videos for a new initiative. The First Person Initiative. You can check out the trailer on YouTube, just search First Person Cooking. Anywho, the FPI team includes: Cari, Brad, Kenny, Michael and myself. We sit in a room for at least 10 hours a day voicing our opinions about videos, what to create, what everything should look like, etc. Well, we also decided that we should all have nicknames. I've never really had anything too creative. Any nickname I've ever had always rhymed with Nehmer. Until today. This just shows you how nerdy I am. I am the "video team leader" and because of that and my love of editing, my new nickname is "Render." Now, for those of you who are familiar with what "render" means, you get why it works. And for those of you who don't, well, I have a really hard time explaining what "render" means in a video sense, so sorry :) Yes, that was a nice Tuesday afternoon entry. A lot has happened since my last entry. But, I don't feel like writing about it right now. Maybe later. If you're lucky :p Too many emoticons?

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